The Horde continuous integration setup switched from Hudson to Jenkins today. The switch was nothing I fancied because it meant fixing a number of CI setups that I created in the past months. However,.. with the core developer Kohsuke on the Jenkins team it didn't make much sense to stick to Hudson.
In order to make this switch feel at least somewhat productive I threw some additional updates into the pot. Here is a rough changelog:
- Hudson got switched to Jenkins so the former "hudson-install" repository was renamed to "jenkins-install"
- The PHP toolset for the continuous integration setup changed its name from "php-hudson-tools" to "php-ci-tools"
- phploc was added to the toolbox and most other tools in the set were upgraded.
- In addition I imported the latest changes from Sebastian Bergmanns Jenkins template into the horde-support repository. Thus we have two new graphics and some new plots for the jobs on http://ci.horde.org .
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