Monday, June 14, 2010


Last time I experimented with Gentoo-Prefix is about half a year ago. I don't know what type of problems I had back then but I remember I did not get far enough. Now - as I'm finally having a tiny bit of spare time for Kolab/Horde again - I did actually get it to compile and run. Nothing more than the base install. But I didn't see anything that would prevent me from trying to get a Kolab server running in such a prefix.

Combine that with the fact that the Kolab server is currently searching for a replacement for OpenPKG... ah, a tiny tiny little wee bit of hope. I don't think it will work out as I would like it to but at least I'm trying.

I believe the Kolab crowd will prefer a native installation method as their next primary platform. But OpenPKG had some significant advantages - even though nobody liked the distribution itself.

  • It can be installed on many distributions.
  • It only needs to be tested once and will have this tested stability independent of the distribution it is installed on.
  • It is a self contained system and the admins know they should keep changes in there to a minimum if they don't want to risk breaking the server.
  • Gentoo Prefix would allow us to retain these advantages. Ah, back to playing around...

    Connecting to the net via a bluetooh mobile...

    ... using the command line on Ubuntu. These are just the core bluetooth commands and the hint does not deal with specific mobile devices or the settings for your specific provider. It is basically a reminder for myself. First you need to identify the bluetooth address and the channel using sdptool:
    sdptool search DUN
    Inquiring ...
    Searching for DUN on 00:23:F1:21:63:0F ...
    Service Name: Dial-up Networking
    Service RecHandle: 0x2008003
    Service Class ID List:
      "Dialup Networking" (0x1103)
      "Generic Networking" (0x1201)
    Protocol Descriptor List:
      "L2CAP" (0x0100)
      "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
        Channel: 1
    Profile Descriptor List:
      "Dialup Networking" (0x1103)
        Version: 0x0101
    The modem device can now be added with rfcomm:
    sudo rfcomm connect DUN 00:23:F1:21:63:0F 1
    Connected /dev/rfcomm0 to 00:23:F1:21:63:0F on channel 1
    Press CTRL-C for hangup
    The tool reports that the modem device can now be used at /dev/rfcomm0. This can now be set in /etc/wvdial.conf to connect to the provider.